Release comes suddenly;but it comes…..

getting over

God: has a time to work it out….

John 12;27-28 (KJV) “Now is my soul troubled; and what shall I say? Father, save me from this hour: but for this cause came I unto this hour. Father, glorify thy name. Then came there a voice from heaven, saying, I have both glorified it, and will glorify it again”.

So close to His passion, the son of man feels the impending doom of death and crucifixion as it creeps over His soul and spirit and He does the only thing He has done consistently since His time on earth, He called out to His heavenly Father to do something.

Something might be to ease the premonition, calm His nerves, remove the trepidation: just do something for me at this moment. Does that sound like a familiar cry we make when we face the tumults of life? I believe many of us go through these trials, these feelings, these feelings of doom and dismay ever so often.

The good news is that after He submitted to the purpose of His calling, He was able to release both you and me as we go through the same feelings and attacks. But beloved, you have to say something, call out to you Father for that release that only He alone can bring in this time.

As He did for His son, He will do for you and me also: bring about that freedom from that which tries to hold us hostage. He is our Heavenly Father after all.

New Trivia: We are cautioned to “remember” someone in the days of our youth; who is this?

About vw1212

All about Jesus....Love God and the things pertaining to Him. Love sitting at the feet of Jesus!
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3 Responses to Release comes suddenly;but it comes…..

  1. zzzisle says:

    indeed, things happen in His timing

  2. Pingback: Release comes suddenly;but it comes..... | Christians Anonymous

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